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Austin was born on January 23, 1993 to John and Ronna Lindstrom, in Bend, Oregon. Moving from Bend at an the early age of 6 years old, Austin's first run in with his interest in music, was at his new home in Hopewell, OR, a small, Willamette Valley, town near Oregon's capital. While at church, Austin discovered the parish's piano.  His young fingers, at first striking single notes, found chords. He recalled thinking to himself, "It all makes sense." Fade-out... 

Fade-in... 5 years later, A 12 year old Austin begins his training as a cowboy, in  Pendleton, OR, the "Rodeo Capital" of Oregon. Having recently moved to the small town surrounded by ranch land, Austin's parents encouraged him for to compete in the rodeo's bareback riding, bull riding and timed-events, where he gained national ranking in high school rodeo in the years to come. All of this while mastering the Trumpet.  


After some struggle with authority, while living in Arizona, Austin decided his life was going in a direction that would ultimately cost him his future.  He then decided to focus on nothing but his music and work.  While Austin honed his skills as a singer/songwriter he began the path of a journeyman carpenter.  To this day, he continues to hone his craft. 

About Austin


When Austin isn't working hard as carpenter, he is writing and playing, even while on short breaks during his ten hour work day. as shown in the video.   


Writing about the simple pleasures of life, love and hardship, Austin delivers the product of his craft,  with  a rich and powerful voice, reminiscent of the roots of country music. 


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